Journals (International): |
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi,K., Srinivasan, P., (2022), Recognizing the Indian Cautionary Traffic Signs using GAN, Improved Mask R-CNN, and Grab Cut. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2022; (Accepted) [Indexed: SCIE, Impact Factor: 1.831 ] [Q3 in SJR citation index]
- Prasenjit Dhar, Suganya Devi K., Satish Kumar Satti, Srinivasan P., (2022), “Efficient Detection and Partitioning of Overlapped Red Blood Cells using Image Processing Approach”, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE). (Accepted) [Indexed: Scopus, Impact Factor: 1.360 ] [Q3 in SJR citation index]
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi K, Prasenjit Dhar, Srinivasan P.,(2022),”Detecting potholes on Indian roads using Haar feature-based cascade classifier, convolutional neural network, and instance segmentation”,Soft Comput. (2022). [Indexed: SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.732] [Q2 in SJR citation index]
- Sekar, K., Suganya Devi, K. & Srinivasan, P.,(2022),” Compressed Tensor Completion: A Robust Technique for Fast and Efficient Data Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE Sensors Journal. (Accepted) [Indexed: SCI, Impact Factor: 3.301] [Q1 in SJR citation index]
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi,K.,, Srinivasan, P., R-ICTS: Recognize the Indian cautionary traffic signs in real-time using an optimized adaptive boosting cascade classifier and a convolutional neural network. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2022; 34( 10):e6796. doi:10.1002/cpe.6796 doi:10.1002/cpe.6796 [Indexed: SCIE, Impact Factor: 1.536 ] [Q3 in SJR citation index]
- S.R. Chalana, V.S. Kavitha, P. Srinivasan, S. Rafi Ahamed, Gargi Tiwari, V.P. Mahadevan Pillai, Influence of argon pressure on the crystalline phase formation of RF sputtered zinc sulfide thin films, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 29, Part 3, 2020, Pages 917-922, ISSN 2214-7853,
- Sekar K., Suganya Devi K., P. Srinivasan, (2020), ” Energy Efficient Data Gathering using Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing for WSNs”, Wireless Personal Communications , Springer,. (Accepted) [Indexed: SCIE, Impact Factor: 1.061]
- Suganya Devi, K., P. Srinivasan, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, (2020), “H2K- A rubust and optimum approach for detection and classification of groundnut leaf diseases”, journal of Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevier. (Accepted) [Indexed: SCIE, Impact Factor: 5.565]
- Prasenjit Dhar, Suganya Devi, K., Satish Kumar Satti, P. Srinivasan,(2020), ” A study on various segmentation and machine learning algorithms used for early detection of cancer”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Volume 12, Issue 6, Pages:1416-1432. [Indexed: Scopus]
- Goluguri, N. V. Raja Reddy, Suganya Devi, K. Srinivasan, P., (2020),”Rice-net: an efficient artificial fish swarm optimization applied deep convolutional neural network model for identifying the Oryza sativa diseases Neural Computing and Applications” Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, 05364- x. [Indexed: SCIE, Impact Factor: 4.774]
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi,K., Prasenjit Dhar, P. Srinivasan,(2020), “A machine learning approach for detecting and tracking road boundary lanes”, ICT Express, ISSN 405-9595, [Indexed: Scopus, Impact Factor: 4.317]
- Suganthi and P.Srinivasan Studies on the electrospun composite Picric acid PVA nanofibers Materials Today proceedings 21(2020) 401- 403
- Jesby George , A.K. Thomas , D. Sajan S. Sathiyamoorthi , P. Srinivasan , Nithin Joy , Reji Philip Experimental and DFT/TD-DFT approach on photo-physical and NLO properties of 2, 6-bis (4-Chlorobenzylidene) cyclohexanone Opt. Mater. 100 (2020) 109620 Impact Factor 3.24, Elsevier
- J.Balaji, P.Srinivasasn, S.Prabu, Merin George, D.Sajan Growth and dielectric studies of Toluidine tartrate single crystals: a Novel organic NLO material J.Mole.Struct 1207(2020) 127750 Impact Factor 2.9 Elsevier
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi K, Vishnu Murthy, Srinivasan P, (2019), ‘Efficient Technique for removal of white and mixed noises in gray-scale images’, International journal of Innovative engineering and Management Research, Vol.8(9), pp.22-36. [Indexed: Elsevier SSRN, Impact Factor : 7.812]
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi K, Prasenjit Dhar, Srinivasan P, (2019), ‘An Efficient Noise separation technique for Removal of Gaussian and Mixed Noises in monochrome and color Images’, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol.8(9), pp.588-601. [Indexed: Scopus]
- M.P.Vaishnnave, Suganya Devi,K., Srinivasan, P., (2018), ‘A Survey on Cloud Computing and Hybrid Cloud, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 14(12), pp.429-434. [Indexed: Scopus, Impact Factor: 0.51]
- M.P.Vaishnnave, Suganya Devi, K., Srinivasan, P., (2018), ‘A Study on Deep Learning models for Satellite Imagery’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 14(4), pp.881-887. [Indexed: Scopus, Impact Factor : 0.51]
- A. Senthil Murugan & K. Suganya Devi & A. Sivaranjani & P. Srinivasan , ‘A study on various methods used for video summarization and moving object detection for video surveillance applications Multimedia Tools Appl. (2018) 77:23273–23290 ImpactFactor 1.546, Springer Publications
- S. Sathiyamoorthi &P. Srinivasan Synthesis, spectral, thermal, optical and dielectric studies of new arylidene NLO crystal: 2,6 – Bis (2,6- dichloro benzylidene) cyclohexanone, Materials Research Innovations 2018 (Taylor and Francis) ImpactFactor0.81) DOI: 10.1080/14328917.2018.1481600
- S. Rafi Ahamed, P. Srinivasan, J. Balaji, C. Balakrishnan & G. Vinitha, ‘ Structural, theoretical and third-order nonlinear optical investigations of N’-[(E)- bromopheny 4 (phenyl) methylidene]–4-methylbenzene sulfono hydrazide’ MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS 2018, VOL. 665, NO. 1, 194–206, (Impact Factor 0.86)
- Rafi Ahamed S, Srinivasan P & Balaji J,‘ Growth and Characterization of Organometallic NLO material: Cesium Hydrogen Tartrate’, Materials Research Innovations, 2017 (Taylor and Francis). ImpactFactor0.81). DOI:10.1080/14328917.2017.1320837.
- S. Rafi Ahamed, P. Srinivasan, J. Balaji, S. Gokul Raj, S. MohanStructural, spectral, thermal, micro hardness, dielectric and etching studies of third order nonlinear optical material Cesium Sulfamate Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Elsevier PublicationsVolume 701, 15 April 2017, Pages 822-827(ImpactFactor 3.13)
- V.Sasikala , D.Sajan, L.Joseph.,J.Balaji, S.Prabu,P. Srinivasan “Spectroscopic and DFT- based computational studies on the molecular electronic structural characteristics and the third-order nonlinear property of an organic NLO crystal: (E)-N′-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide” Chemical Physics Letters, Elsevier Publications Volume 674, 16 April 2017, Pages 11-27 (ImpactFactor 1.86)
- J. Balaji, S. Prabu, D.Sajan,P. SrinivasanInvestigations on spectroscopic, dielectric and optical studies in 3-hydroxypyridinium 4-nitrobenzoate crystals Journal of Molecular Structure Elsevier Publications 2017 1137 142-149 (ImpactFactor 1.756)
- J.Balaji.,S.Prabu., P.Srinivasan ‘ Growth and Characterisation of 2’,3,4,4’, 5-Pentamethoxychalcone (PMC) – for nonlinear optical applications’ Journal of Molecular Structure Elsevier Publications 1133(2017) 135-143(Impact Factor 1.756)
- Dinagaran, S, Srinivasan, P, Vijayakumar, S &Balaji, J, 2016, ‘Growth and characterization of anthranilic acid crystals’ Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 4480-4487, ISSN : 2321-807X (Annexure I).
- Vijayakumar, S, Srinivasan, P, Dinagaran, S &Balaji, J 2016, ‘Growth, Structural, Spectral and Nonlinear Optical investigations of 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) Crystals’ International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, ISSN 2351-8014, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 492-500.
- Vijayakumar, S, Srinivasan, P, Dinagaran, S &Balaji, J, (2016), ‘Growth and characterization of an Organic Nonlinear Optical Crystal: 1-Iodo-3-Nitrobenzene (INB)’Journal of Advances in Chemistry, ISSN: 2321- 807X, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 4364-4370.(Annexure I) DOI:
- K. Satheshkumar., P. Srinivasan., S. Sudhahar, ’Effect of rare earth Nd+ ion on the growth, structural, spectral, optical and mechanical properties of piperidinium p-hydroxybenzoate single crystals.’ Optik Elsevier Publications 127 (2016) 1087-1093. .(Impact Factor 1.109)
- J.Balaji, S.Prabu, P.Srinivasan, “ (E)-N′-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide (4CBTH) – Synthesis and characterization of organic NLO crystal”, Journal of Crystal Growth ,Volume 452, 15 October 2016, Pages 189-197 .(Impact Factor 1.809)
- Vijayakumar, S, Srinivasan, P&Dinagaran, S,2015,‘Growth and characterization of Organic nonlinear optical (NLO) 1, 3-dinitrobenzene single crystals by vertical bridgmann method and its prospects as electro-optic modulators’ International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN: 0973-4562, vol. 10, no.17, pp. 38055-38060
- Suganya Devi. K., Srinivasan.P (2015), ‘A Novel approach for Facial Expression analysis in real time applications in real time applications using SIFT flow and SVM’, Australian Journal of Basic and applied sciencesScimago PublishersVol. 9, No. 21, pp.1-6
- Suganya Devi. K., Srinivasan.P (2015), ‘A Survey on compressed video segmentation’ Australian Journal of Basic and applied sciences’, Vol. 9, No. 21, pp.115-119.
- Suganya Devi. K., Srinivasan. P., Selvamani. K (2015), ‘A Survey on Analysis of Human Facial Expressions and Gestures for Emotion Recognition’ International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No. 33, pp.25425-25430
- Suganya Devi. K., Srinivasan. P.,Selvamani. K (2015), ‘A Fast and Efficient Motion Tracking Using superpixel Extraction in Compressed Video Sequences’ International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No. 33, pp.25397-25405
- V.S. Kavitha, R. Reshmi Krishnan, R. SreejaSreedharan, R. Jolly Bose, N. Venugopala Pillai, V. Ganesan, P. Sreenivasan, V. Ragavendran, S. Muthunatesan, V.P. Mahadevan Pillai, “ Effect of annealing on the structural and optical properties of laser ablated nanostructured barium tungstate thin films”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Elsevier Publications Volume 37, September 2015, Pages 159- 170(ImpactFactor 2.356)
- R. Reshmi Krishnan, R. SreejaSreedharan, S.K. Sudheer, C. Sudarsanakumar, V. Ganesan, P. Srinivasan, V.P. Mahadevan PillaiEffect of tantalum doping on the structural and optical properties of RF magnetron sputtered indium oxide thin films Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Elsevier Publications, Volume 37, September 2015, Pages 112-122 ImpactFactor 2.356)
- J. Balaji, S. Prabu, J. J. F. Xavier and P. Srinivasan Crystal structure of N -[(E)-(4-chlorophenyl) (phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide IUCR Publications Acta Cryst. (2015). E71, o45–o46 doi:10.1107/S2056989014026723
- J. Balaji , S. Prabu , P. Srinivasan , , T. Srinivasan , D. Velmurugan Studies on the growth and characterization of a nonlinear optical crystal: 3 HydroxyPyridinium Tartrate Mono Hydrate (3HPTMH) SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Elsevier Publications 144 (2015) 139–147 (Impact Factor 2.12)
- Dinagaran, S, Srinivasan, P, Vijayakumar, S &Buvaneshwari, D, 2014, ‘A study on the growth and characteristic properties of a semi organic NLO material: sodium chloride doped glycine crystals’ International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol.6, no.3, pp. 1673-1676, ISSN : 0974-4290 (Annexure II).
- K. Sathesh Kumar , P. Srinivasan , V.P. MahadevanPillai A detailed perceptive on the growth and characterization studies of para amino hippuric acid (PAHA) single crystals Spectro chimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Elsevier Publications 132 (2014) 263–270 (Impact Factor 2.12)
- J. Balaji, J. John Francis Xavier, S. Prabu and P. Srinivasan Crystal structure of (E)-N -(4-chlorobenzylidene)-4-methyl benzene sulfono hydrazide: a hexagonal polymorph Acta Cryst. (2014). E70, o1250–o1251 DOI:10.1107/S1600536814023721
- Prabu, S, Nagalakshmi, R., Balaji, J & Srinivasan, P 2014, ‘Investigations on the Vibrational modes and Non-Linear Optical properties of 4-Fluoro Chalcone crystal’, SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Elsevier Publications vol. 129, pp. 114-120 (Impact Factor 2.12)
- Prabu, S, Nagalakshmi, R., Balaji, J & Srinivasan, P, 2014, ‘Synthesis, crystal growth, studies on Vibrational spectroscopy and Nonlinear optical Properties of 4-methoxy-4′-chlorochalcone’, Materials Research Bulletin, Elsevier Publications vol.50, pp.446-455. (Impact Factor 2.1)
- Prabu, S, Nagalakshmi, R & Srinivasan, P 2013, ‘Investigations on the Physico chemical properties of 4-BromoChalcone single crystals for nonlinear optical applications’, SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 103, pp. 45-52. (ImpactFactor 2.12)
- P. Srinivasan and P. Rajesh, Effect of Temperature on the structural and optical properties of chemically deposited PbS thin films, Thin Film Technology 42 (2012) 6206-6208
- C. Jesintha John, M. Amalanathan, A.R. Twinkle, P. Srinivasan, I. Hubert Joe, (2011), “Vibrational spectra and first order hyper polarizability studies of dimethyl aminopyridinium4-nitrophenolate 4-nitrophenol, SpectrochimicaActaA Elsevier Publications 81(2011)151-161(Impact Factor 2.12)
- T. Kanagasekarn, P. Mythili, P. Srinivasan, Shailesh N. Sharmaand R. Gopalakrishnan, (2008)‘ Synthesis, Growth and Characterisation of organic NLON-Bromosuccinimde crystal, Materials Letters Elsevier Publications 62(2008) 2486–2489(Impact Factor 2.26)
- Srinivasan P., Vidhyalakshmi Y. and Gopalakrishnan R., (2006) ‘Studies on the Synthesis, Growth, Crystal Structure, and Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Novel Nonlinear Optical Crystal: l-Argininium-4-nitro Phenolate Monohydrate (LARP), ’ Crystal Growth and Design .ACS American Chemical Society Publications Vol. 8,No. 7, pp.2329-2334.(Impact Factor 4.559) DOI: 10.1021/cg701126t
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T. and Gopalakrishnan R., (2008) ‘A highly efficient organic second-order nonlinear optical donor-acceptor l-Valinium picrate single crystals’ Crystal Growth and Design Vol.8, No. 7, pp. 2340-2345. ACS American Chemical Society Publications (Impact Factor 4.559) DOI: 10.1021/cg701143n
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T., Kulriya P.K., Kanji Lal D. and Gopalakrishnan R., ‘Ruminations on the Effect of MeV Si8+and Ag8+ionirradiationonnonlinearoptical l-valiniumpicrate single crystals’ PhysicaB (Communicated)
- K. Rameshbabu , P. Kannan* , M. Gunasekaran , P. Srinivasan , R. Ramesh Babu, R. Gopalakrishnan , and P. Ramasamy ‘Synthesis and characterization of 4,4‛-dihydroxy-α-methylstilbene crystal Crystal Research and Technology, Wiley Publications Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 718-722. (Impact Factor 1.12) DOI 10.1002/crat.200510654
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T. and Gopalakrishnan R., (2008) ‘Factor Group Analysis and Hyperpolarisability studies of Nonlinear Optical L-Asparaginium Picrate(LASP) crystals’ Spectrochimica Acta A, Vol. 71. No.2. pp. 592-596 ,2008 (ImpactFactor 1.270)
- T. Kanagasekarn, P. Mythili, P. Srinivasan, Ahmad Y Nooraldeen, P.K. Palanisamy, R. Gopalakrishnan, (2008), ”Studies on the growth, optical ,thermal and mechanical properties of pureando-nitroaniline doped Benzil crystals’, Crystal Growth and Design American Chemical Society Publications(ACS) Vol.8, No.7, pp. 2335-2339.(Impact Factor 4.559) DOI: 10.1021/cg701132f
- Aravindan A., Srinivasan. P., Vijayan N., Gopalakrishnan R., Ramasamy P., (2008) ‘A Comparative study on The growth and Characterisation of nonlinear optical amino acid crystals: L-AlanineandL- Alaninealaninium nitrate,” Spectrochimica ActaA Elsevier Publications Volume 71, Issue 2, 15 November 2008, Pages 297-304 (ImpactFactor 1.270)
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T., Ahamad Y. Nooraldeen, Dhinaa A.N., Palanisamy P.K., Gopalakrishnan R., (2008), ‘Z-scan determination of third order optical nonlinearity of L-Asparaginiumpicrate crystal’ Vol.18.,No.5.pp.1-4 (ImpactFactor0.433) Laser Physics, Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) DOI 10.1021/cg060094+
- Stella Mary, S. Shahil Kirupavathy, P. Mythili, P. Srinivasan, T. Kanagasekaran, Gopalakrishnan, (2008) , ”Studies on the growth, optical, electrical and spectral properties of Potassium pentaborate single crystals’,Spectrochimica Acta A Elsevier Publications 71(2008) 10–16 (ImpactFactor 1.270)
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T., KanjiLal D., Gopalakrishnan R. And Ramasamy P., (2008) ‘Contemplations on the impressions of MeV Swift heavy ion irradiation on nonlinear optical Dimethyl amino pyridinium 4nitrophenolate-4nitrophenol(DMAPNP)single crystals’, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids Taylor and Francis Publications, Vol.163,No. 8,693–702. (ImpactFactor 0.82)
- Aravindan A., Srinivasan P., Vijayan N., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2007), ‘Investigations on the Growth, Optical behaviour and factor group of an NLO Crystal: L-alanine alaninium nitrate’, Crystal Research and Technology Wiley Publications, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 1097-1103. (ImpactFactor 1.12).
- Kanagasekaran T., Mythili P., Srinivasan P., Vijayan N., Kanjilal D., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2008),‘ On the observations of Physical, chemical, optical and thermal changes induced by 50 siliconions in Benzimidazole single crystals’, Materials Research Bulletin Elsevier Publications, Vol. 43, pp. 852–863. (ImpactFactor 2.1)
- Kanagasekaran T., Mythili P., Srinivasan P., Vijayan N., Bhagavannarayana G., Mohanty T., Kanjilal D., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2007), ‘Effects of 50MeVSiion irradiation on nonlinear optical benzimidazole single crystals’ Crystal Research and Technology, Wiley Publications Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 1376-1381. (ImpactFactor 1.12)
- Kanagasekaran T., Mythili P., Srinivasan P., Vijayan N., Bhagavannarayana G., Gopalakrishnan R. And Ramasamy P. (2007), ‘Investigations on nucleation, thermodynamical parameters of Benzimidazole crystal from low temperature solution growth’ Crystal Research Technology, Wiley Publications, Vol.42, No. 10, pp. 995-1001.(ImpactFactor 1.12)
- Shahil Kirupavathy S., Stella Mary S., Srinivasan P.,Vijayan N.,Bhagavannarayana G. and Gopalakrishnan R. (2007), ‘Investigations on the Growth and characterization studies of Cadmium ThioureaAcetate (CTA) single crystals’ Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier Publications, Vol.306,pp. 102-110. (ImpactFactor 1.69)
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T.,KanjiLal D.,Gopalakrishnan R., and Ramasamy P. (2007),‘Cognitions on the effects of Swift Heavy Ion(SHI) Irradiation on the dielectric and optical behavior in l-Asparaginium Picrate’, Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics ResearchB, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 256, pp.698-704. (ImpactFactor 1.1)
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T., Vijayan N., Bhagavan narayana G., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2007), ‘Studies on the Growth, Optical ,thermal and dielectric aspects of a proton transfercomplex-Dimethylaminopyridinium4-nitrophenolate4-nitrophenol (DMAPNP) for nonlinear optical applications‟, Optical Materials, Elsevier Publications, Vol.30, pp553-564.(ImpactFactor 2.07)
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T., Vijayan N., Balamurugan R., Charles SathiyaPrakash A.R., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2006), ‘Structural, Dielectric and Optical Properties of N-(2Chlorophenyl) – (1-Propanamide) (NCP) single Crystals’, Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier Publications, Vol.297, pp.372-381. (ImpactFactor 1.69)
- 4. Rameshbabu K., Kannan P., SrinivasanP., Ramesh BabuR., GopalakrishnanR. and Ramasamy P. (2006),‘ Synthesis, Growth and Characterization of 4,4’-dihydroxy- – methylstilbene crystal’, Crystal Research Technology, Vol.41, No. 7, pp. 718-722. Wiley Publications (ImpactFactor 1.12)
- Srinivasan P., Kanagasekaran T., Gopalakrishnan R., Bhagavannarayana G. and RamasamyP. (2006), “Studies on the growth and Characterization of l-AsparaginiumPicrate (LASP) – a novel Nonlinear Optical Crystal”, Crystal Growth and Design, American Chemical Society Publications Vol.6, No.7, pp.1663-1670. (ImpactFactor 4.339) 10.1021/cg060094+
- Srinivasan P., Gunasekaran M., Kanagasekaran T., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2006), ‘2,4,6- Trinitrophenol (TNP): AnOrganicmaterialfornonlinearopticalapplications’, Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier Publications, Vol.289, pp. 639-646. (ImpactFactor 1.809)
- Kanagasekaran T., Gunasekaran M., Srinivasan P., Jayaraman D., Gopalakrishnan R. and Ramasamy P. (2005), “Studies on Growth, induction period, interfacial energy and metastable zone width of m-Nitroaniline‟, Crystal Research and Technology, Wiley Publications, Vol.40, No.12, pp.1128-1133. (ImpactFactor 1.12)
Conferences (International): |
- S. K. Satti, K. Suganya Devi, K. Sekar, P. Dhar and P. Srinivasan, “ICTS: Indian Cautionary Traffic Sign Classification Using Deep Learning,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICDCECE53908.2022.9792996.[Indexed: Scopus] [Received Best paper Award]
- Sekar K., Devi K.S., Srinivasan P., Dheepa T. (2022) Deep Wavelet-Based Compressive Sensing Data Reconstruction for Wireless Visual Sensor Networks. In: Das K.N., Das D., Ray A.K., Suganthan P.N. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Technologies. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore. [Indexed: Scopus]
- K. Sekar, K. Suganya Devi, P. Srinivasan and V. M. SenthilKumar, (2020)”Deep Wavelet Architecture for Compressive sensing Recovery,” 2020 Seventh International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2020, pp. 185-189, doi: 10.1109/ITT51279.2020.9320773.
- Satti S.K., Suganya Devi K., Dhar P., Srinivasan P., (2020) Enhancing and Classifying Traffic Signs Using Computer Vision and Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences. MIND 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1240. Springer, Singapore. [Indexed: Scopus]
- Sekar K, Suganya Devi K., P. Srinivasan, T. Dheepa, B. Arpita and L. Dolendro singh, (2020)”Joint Correlated Compressive Sensing based on Predictive Data Recovery in WSNs,” 2020 -International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE), Vellore, India, (2020),pp. 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/ic-ETITE47903.2020.181. [Indexed: Scopus]
- Satish Kumar Satti, Suganya Devi K., Vishnu Murthy, Srinivasan P, (2019), ‘Efficient Technique for removal of white and mixed noises in gray-scale images’, Elsevier-International Conference on Innovations in Science and Engineering (ICISE-2K19), August 31, 2019, pp.18. [Indexed: SSRN]
- M.P.Vaishnnave, K.Suganya Devi, P.Srinivasan, G.Arutperumjothi, (2019), ‘Detection and Classification of Groundnut Leaf Diseases using KNN classifier’, 2nd IEEE – International Conference on systems, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN 2019), March 29-30, 2019. [Indexed: Scopus]
- M.P.Vaishnnave, K.Suganya Devi, G.Arutperumjothi, P.Srinivasan, (2019)’Analysis of Castor Plant Diseases Using SVM& deep CNN Technique’, IEEE international Conference on Recent Advances in Energy-efficient Computing and Communication (ICRAECC 2019), March 7-8, 2019.
- Jayachitra J., Suganya Devi K., Vaiyshnavi M P., and Srinivasan P.,(2017) ‘GBU based Face Recognition Techniques: A Review’ IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication systems (ICACCS -2017), pp.1236 -1239. [Indexed: Scopus]
- Suganya Devi K., Senthilmurugan. A., Sivaranjani A., and Srinivasan P., (2017),‘Development of Interactive Fashion Design support System: Using IDS (Interactive Display on Any Surface) –A Case Study’ IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication systems 2017, pp. 1298-1303. [Indexed: Scopus]
- Suganya Devi K. and Srinivasan P.,(2016), ‘Remote monitoring and security alert based on Motion Detection using mobile’ American Institute of Physics, 1715, 020067 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4942749. [Indexed: Crossref]
- S.Sathiyamoorthy, P.Srinivasan, K.Suganya Devi, (2015), ‘Synthesis, spectral, thermal, optical and dielectric studies of some organic arylidene derivatives’, International Conference on Computaional mathematics and physical sciences, Singapore SG, July 4-5, 2015, 19(7) pp.62-65 ISSN: 2010- 376X. [Indexed: Scopus]
- Suganya Devi. K., P.Srinivasan, MP vaiyshnavi, G. Arutperumjothi, (2015),’Secure E-Pay system using steganography and visual cryptography’, International Conference on Computational mathematics and physical sciences, Singapore SG, July 4-5, 2015, 19(7) pp.62-65 ISSN: 2010-376X.[Indexed: OpenAIRE]
- P. Srinivasan, R. Nagalakshmi, DmitryIsakov, Etelvinade Matos Gomes,Michael Scott Belsley, Ruminationson, “The effect of MeV Si8+ and Ag8+ ion irradiation on nonlinear opticall-valinium picrate single crystals AIPConf.Proc.1482,695(2012) ; doi:10.1063/1.4757561